Monday, October 19, 2009


Well, today is my official due date and as of 8:30pm, no baby. I thought you all might enjoy a good look at my belly at 40 weeks. Today was also my last day of work (for a few weeks anyway). Now I can just relax (or attempt to) until she decides to grace us with her presence.

Thursday, October 15, 2009

Baby Shower

A few weeks ago my friends threw me a wonderful baby shower. Thank you to all those who helped to plan it. And thank you for all of the generous gifts! I felt so loved.

Monday, October 12, 2009


Soon after we were married, John and I bought our first fish, Sam. We became very attached to Sam (he was a Beta) and I know this sounds ridiculous, but I cried when I came home one day and John told me that he had found Sam dead.

Next, came Prince. Prince was a Black Moor goldfish and lived so long that we had to give him away when we moved to Australia. Since then, we have been fishless. There has been much discussion about setting up a proper fish tank since we live in Australia and John is a marine biologist. But, after discussing it for several years, with no definitive action, I finally just convinced John to let us buy another Black Moor goldfish.

Meet Bruce:

Unfortunately, Bruce passed away before I even had time to introduce him on the blog! He was very unique in his behaviour (for a goldfish) and we were happy to have him for 3 weeks.

R.I.P. Bruce.