Tuesday, November 30, 2010


Alexis has become very interested in silverware. This is one of her first attempts to use a spoon. She is feeding herself yogurt. Well, I am holding the yogurt container and she dips her spoon in and then I kind-of guide it to her mouth (if she will let me).  So far, it hasn't been as messy as I was anticipating.  She is becoming such a big girl!

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Video Blog

I have tons of video clips of Alexis that I've been meaning to post, but haven't.  So here they all are.  Be prepared for some cute video overload.

Tickle Torture
21 July 2010

8 September 2010

Learning to climb up the stairs.
15 September 2010

At the beach.
(And don't worry, she didn't actually go under water.)
28 September 2010

Learning to go down the stairs.
21 October 2010

"Up" and "Down"
29 October 2010

Monday, November 22, 2010

Curly Q

Alexis has a little 'curly q' growing at the nap of her neck.  John calls it a 'rat tail' (mean Daddy).  We're just hoping that it stays cute and doesn't grow into a mullet.

Kitchen Help

Alexis decided that she wanted to help Mommy in the kitchen today.  Help make a mess that is!

Sunday, November 21, 2010

Church #47

This is what I found when I went to get Alexis out of the car after church:

Needless to say, she must have been very tired, because it takes us less than five minutes to drive home!

Saturday, November 20, 2010


Alexis loves to play dress-up. She will go through all of her drawers and bring me things to put on her.  Besides her onesie, Alexis chose everything she is wearing:
She has also discovered "bracelets" that she can put on and take off all by herself.

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

More cuteness

I know I've said it before, am I'm sure I'll say it again, but Alexis is just so darn cute!

Monday, November 15, 2010

Sunday, November 14, 2010

Church #46

Alexis has decided that she doesn't like to wear headbands in her hair anymore.  (Hopefully this stage will pass soon because she has so many cute ones.)  We were lucky to get the picture above where she is smiling and has her headband in.  This is what usually happens:

We have one cheeky monkey on our hands.

Tuesday, November 9, 2010


Well, even though my computer has been up and running for a few days, I have been slow in updating the posts.  But, they're all up now.  The new posts start on Alexis' birthday, 26 October.