Alexis Ann Horne
26 October 2009
9:41 pm
8 lbs. 7 oz.
20.5 inches
Alexis (a.k.a. Lexie, Little Bug, Missie, Sweet Pea) finally made her entrance into this world a week after her due date. She was so comfortable, she didn't want to come out! I was induced at 6:00am on Monday morning and by 8:00pm that night, I was still only 4 cm dialated. Alexis was showing some distress and I was developing a fever, so it was decided that it would be best to have a c-section. Let me tell all of you who think that having a c-section is the "easy way out" -- it's not. (NOTE TO READERS: skip this next part if you don't like gory details.) Vomiting while laying on your back is not fun. Neither is almost going unconscious while you hear the doctor saying, "let's get this bleeding under control" and the nurse having to run to another room to get an oxygen mask when the anesthesiologist asks for one "straight away." And let's not forget how I screamed and whimpered like an injured animal when they pulled (or should I say ripped) my wound dressing off a few days later. The upside to having a c-section? Going to the bathroom pain free. But I don't want to complain. She was worth every second of it and then some.
After a four-day hospital stay, we made it home, only to determine that I had a uterine infection. I was fine in the hospital and within 30 minutes of coming home, I was sick. How ironic is that? After a rough night, we were very grateful for the arrival of Grandma Lisa on Saturday afternoon. (We were also blessed to have Grandma Susan with us at the hospital for a few days.)
Alexis is now a week old and we are so happy to have her in our family. She already has her daddy wrapped around her little finger, and her mom too.