Wednesday, September 29, 2010


This is what Alexis looks like when she eats apples.  It's so funny to watch her put the apple pieces in her mouth, suck out all of the juice and then spit the pieces back out, creating a mound under her chin.  Alexis can be a pretty funny girl when she eats. She loves to dig around on her tray and find just the perfect piece of food. In the process, the pieces that she finds unsatisfactory get thrown over her shoulder and end up all over the floor.  Alexis' current favourite foods are beans (chickpeas, kidney, and black), cheese, bananas, and bread/crackers.  Those things only get thrown on the floor when she's done eating.  You have to be quick with her.  If you don't take her tray away as soon as she looks like she's done, every little speck left on there will end up on the floor.   Oh, and Alexis loves water too.  I haven't given her any juice yet because she so happily drinks water.  If only I could get her to take a bottle!

Sunday, September 26, 2010

Tooth #7

Upper left lateral incisor.

No wonder we haven't been getting any sleep.  Three new teeth in one week!

Church #40

Today's picture is casual. Someone (Alexis) was fussy this morning and wouldn't hold still to have her hair done and someone else (Mommy) was too lazy to put Alexis' shoes back on after her nap for the picture. You see, most "church" pictures are taken way after church has finished.  Alexis is usually too tired before and after church to get a good picture, so I just put her dress back on after her nap. Today everyone was just too tired, but at least Alexis was happy (she usually is after a good nap). Alexis' sleeping schedule has gone out the window since she has been sick and teething and I'm really starting to feel the effects of no sleep. Hopefully, after our visitors leave (Trevor and Jeremy arrive tomorrow for a week's visit), we can try to get some better/more sleep.

P.S. Happy Birthday Nana!

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Teeth #5 & 6

We went swimming today for playgroup.  While we were in the water I was splashing water with Alexis and I saw a flash of white in her mouth that looked bigger than normal.  Alexis hates when we try to look at her teeth, but I did it anyway and I not only found one new tooth, but two!  Her bottom left lateral incisor is totally exposed, so it probably came through a few days ago and her bottom right lateral incisor looks like it just cut through today.  Alexis has been really sick the last week and a half with a bad cold and cough, so I didn't even notice that she was teething (don't worry, she's feeling better now or I wouldn't have taken her swimming).  I just attributed her irritability and lack of sleep to being sick.  My poor baby, sick and teething all at the same time.  But, now she has six teeth!  Whoo hoo!

Sleeping Beauties

John and I have been staying up late to watch the last season of House on DVD.  This is one of the few T.V. shows that we both like, the other two being Glee and Top Gear.  We were so disappointed when they changed the air date to Sundays, but this season it's going to be on Wednesdays.  Yeah!  We didn't know about this until a few days ago, so now we're trying to watch 21 episodes in just a few days (the new season starts tonight).  Needless to say, we haven't been getting as much sleep as we need.  John decided to go to work late yesterday so that he could take a morning nap.  It was nice for me to be able to leave Alexis napping at home and run some errands baby-free.  This is what I came home to:

So precious.

Saturday, September 18, 2010

Wednesday, September 15, 2010


Finally!  I finally have updated the blog for the last month or so.  Almost the entire month of August is new and there are even a few new posts at the end of July.  Thanks for your patience and enjoy!

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Hours and hours of fun

Well, maybe not hours and hours of fun.  But, at least five to ten minutes.
Alexis loves to watch the washing machine and dryer.  It's so funny to watch her bang the door and laugh as the clothes go in a circle.

Sunday, September 5, 2010

Daddy's Day (& Church #38)

Today was Father's Day in Australia.  And it was John's first Father's Day!  Alexis and I had fun making him a homemade card and he got his first 'Daddy's Day' tie.  I know its cliche to give your dad a tie for Father's Day, but I came across the perfect tie for John when we were in Sydney.  It's designed by Ken Done (a famous Australian artist) and its all fish!

Happy Father's Day Daddy!

John and Alexis ready for church (and John's new tie).