Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Anything you can do, I can do better

John and Alexis like to have handstand competitions. Well, John likes to show off by doing handstands and Alexis tries to copy him.

I took these pictures of Alexis practicing, while John was at school today.

Alexis also loves to do a one leg downward dog yoga pose. She does it randomly all the time.

(Did you notice her bright green "big girl" panties!?)

Sunday, August 28, 2011


John has to work late tonight, so today we had family home evening in the morning before he left for school.  Alexis gets so excited to have family home evening and loves to sing "I Am A Child of God."  She calls it "home-ing."  No matter how many times we say "family home evening," she just says "home-ing" back to us.  It's adorable.

Twinkle, Twinkle

Alexis has been able to sing "Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star" all by herself for quite some time, but I have been unable to get it on camera.  It's just so adorable to see, but every time I get the video camera out, she stops singing.

Yesterday while I was cooking dinner, she was playing with John and started singing.  So I got the camera out and made sure to cough loudly when I turned it on (the beeping noise it makes always gets her attention).  She didn't seem to notice me, and this is what I got on film:

During dinner she started singing again, this time the whole song.  I asked her if she would keep singing if I got the camera out and she said yes!!

Saturday, August 27, 2011


Alexis is getting very opinionated about when, where, and how you can take her picture. The last few weeks I have struggled to get her to take a nice picture on Sundays. This morning was more of the same.

Me: "Time for pictures!"

Alexis: "No."

Me: "Do you want to take a picture with Mommy?"

Alexis: "No."

Me: "Do you want to take a picture with Daddy?"

Alexis: "No."

Me: "Do you want to take a picture on the rocking chair?" (Like we used
        to when she was little).

Alexis: "No."

John: "Do you want to take a picture with Piglet?"

Alexis: "Yes."

Daddy to the rescue! I have no idea why he suggested Piglet (I probably would have suggested one of her babies), but I'm glad he did.

Potty training update:  Since our post on Thursday, Alexis has gone poop in the potty everyday!  She only had one small accident where she pooped a little on the floor (we were letting her run around naked), but other than that, she has done great.  She still hasn't gone pee in the potty, but we're working on it.

Thursday, August 25, 2011

I'm a "Big Girl" now

As Alexis was getting out of the shower tonight (she's in to showers at the moment, she flat refuses to take a bath), she told John that she had to go poop.  So John quickly put her little potty seat on the toilet and guess what?  She went poop in the toilet!  Not only was this the first time that she went poop on the potty (like a "big girl" she says), but it was the first time where she initiated using the toilet properly.  She tells me all of the time that she needs to go poop and I put her on her potty seat, but then nothing happens (she never tells me when she has to go pee).  We are so proud of Alexis.  So proud in fact that John wanted to take a picture of the toilet bowl before I flushed it.  Don't worry, I didn't let him.  Yeah Alexis!

Tuesday, August 23, 2011


Alexis loves to relax. Before bedtime last night, she got herself a blanket and "relaxed" on her bedroom floor. She probably would have slept like that if we let her.

Sunday, August 21, 2011


(This is Alexis' fake whiney face.)

When I put Alexis to bed I always give her a cuddle and say "Mommy loves you so much," repeated a few times.  Yesterday I left her with John to go run some errands and before I left I said to her "I love you."  She then said "so much."  It made me smile.

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Matching with Mommy

I painted Alexis' fingernails for the first time today.  I didn't really want to (I didn't want her chewing on them), but she saw me painting mine and wouldn't leave me alone.  I had already painted her toenails.  She held so still and was very excited to have matching nails with me.
Showing off her pretty nails:

Look at those chubby little fingers:

Matching nails with Mommy:

Alexis fell asleep in the car on the way home from playgroup (she usually does).  She woke up right before we got home but was still pretty sleepy.  She went straight to the couch and snuggled up with the blanket.  She sure looked cute, but I moved her to her own bed for a proper nap.

Of course when I put her in her crib, she decided that she was really awake and has been playing in there for over an hour.  As I'm typing this, I can hear her singing "Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star" to herself.  Oh, how I love my adorable girl. 

Sunday, August 14, 2011

Miss Mischief Maker - Part 2

I neglected to mention in my post yesterday that Alexis is also obsessed with clean diapers.  She always runs around the house yelling "clean diaper."  She loves to pretend to change her babies' diapers and when she wants her diaper changed (even though it isn't even dirty), she will get out the changing pad, lie down on it and say "clean diaper" over and over until I come and check her.

This is what John and I found when we got up this morning:

She was smiling and of course saying "clean diaper."  We have no idea how she took off her footie pyjamas all by herself.


Alexis dancing in her new tutu:
Thanks Nana!

Big news . . . today Alexis went to nursery with no crying!  I got her all set up at the table to colour and then I left.  She watched me leave, but just kept colouring.  We are so happy.  The nursery leader commented to us about how Alexis is so helpful (she helps to put the toys, etc. away).  That makes us feel good.  The nursery leader also told us that Alexis put her lunch away in her cubby hole all by herself.  What a big girl!

Funny things about Alexis:  She is obsessed with pimples.  We have no idea why.  Every mole or freckle she sees, she will point to and say "pimple."  I have a mole on my face that I grew up calling my 'beauty mark.'  Alexis has called it a pimple in the past.  The funniest thing happened last week when she pointed to it and said "nipple." (Nipple!?! -- this is on my face, remember.)  When I said "no," she then said "pimple."  I said "no" again and taught her how to say "beauty mark."  Hopefully, she'll call it that from now on.

Alexis is also very interested in "big girls" that go potty on a toilet.  Every time I use the bathroom, she says "Mommy, big girl."  Sometimes, she even says "Daddy, big girl" when John goes to the bathroom.  We tried to teach her "big boy," but she still calls John a "big girl."  Hopefully Alexis will learn to be a "big girl" that uses the toilet soon.

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Miss Mischief Maker

This is what I found when I went to get Alexis out of her bed after her nap:

It's normal for her to take off her sleepsack by herself; it is not normal for her to take off her diaper.  Or pee all over the bed, herself, the bumpers, her blankie and her stuffed dog.

While I was stripping her bed down, she pulled the bumper insert into the hall and decided to read herself a book:

She sure is cute.

Saturday, August 6, 2011


This morning, Alexis didn't want to get her picture taken, she wanted to "cuddle Daddy." Five minutes later she still didn't want to take a picture (and we needed to leave), so she got to take her pictures with Daddy.

On the way home from church today, Alexis said "fun, nursery."  Success!  Alexis still cries when I leave her in nursery, but only for a few seconds. I think it helps that one of the new nursery leaders is a mom from our playgroup, so Alexis has been around her a lot.  And the fact that she said "fun, nursery" (with no prompting from us), says it all.

On a side note, Alexis has been taking four hour naps all week (1pm-5pm).  I have been loving it!  Maybe she's going through a growth spurt?  All I know is that I hope it lasts.

Thursday, August 4, 2011

First Haircut

I took Alexis to get her first haircut today.  The back of her hair was looking really scraggly and was growing quite uneven.  As always, Alexis was such a good girl.  She didn't cry at all and held pretty still.  The hairdresser cut it shorter than I was expecting, but it will grow out.  And it makes Alexis ' hair look a lot fuller, which is nice, because her hair is so fine.  Alexis was so excited afterwards because she got a sticker with a dolphin on it.  And she learned how to say "haircut."

Before & After